Hearing Health is a Cornerstone to Your General Health.

On average, by your 50th birthday you will likely have some degree of hearing. At Golden Ears Audiology, we recommend you come in for an evaluation before then to establish your hearing baseline. This will allow you to compare your hearing to future hearing evaluations as you start noticing changes, and best address these changes.

If you experience 4 of these signs, you likely have significant hearing loss:

  1. You have ringing in your ears.
  2. Your family complains you turn up the volume of the TV too high.
  3. People around you seem to mumble more often.
  4. You frequently ask people to repeat themselves.
  5. You struggle to follow conversations in large groups.
  6. You often don't notice everyday sounds, such as a dripping faucet.
  7. You can hear, but have difficulty understanding all the words.
  8. Phone conversations are becoming more challenging for you.
  9. You find it hard to hear when your back is turned to the speaker or vice versa.
  10. Others have mentioned that you speak too loudly.

Hearing loss progresses gradually, so individuals may not immediately realize it's occurring. Early diagnosis and treatment can make the process of rehabilitation more effective and manageable. Approximately 2% of adults between the ages of 45 and 54 experience disabling hearing loss. This percentage rises to 8.5% for those aged 55 to 64. Among adults aged 65 to 74, nearly 25% have disabling hearing loss, and this increases to 50% for those aged 75 and older.

Learn more about the Benefits of Hearing Aids.

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